At the end of the page there is a note of Ages: that rescales the timeline to a calendar year which is really interesting. Here is a long scroll through milestones in human evolution, sourced from Wikipedia, Encyclopaedia Britannica, and BBC, and put together by a Professor in Ecology. I found the section on electric heat pumps (which replace furnaces and air conditioners) particularly helpful because I could not find this kind of reliable actionable info anywhere else. Covers heat pumps, solar panels, electric vehicles, electric appliances, and more. This free book, Electrifying Everything in Your Home (PDF download), gives very explicit and useful instructions on how you can electrify your own home and life, even if you are a renter. Half of our climate goals can be achieved by electrifying everything.

The desktop website generates a QR code of my route so I can easily transfer it to my phone. My favorite feature lets me draw a route on the map to see how far it is and the change in elevation along the route.

Plan your hikes Wandermap is a website with thousands of user-submitted hikes (and bike routes) all over the world. You need Chrome to create a deep link or to view one. Right click on the desired text section while in Chrome and select “Copy Link to Highlight.

You can focus attention on just the right text. The latest version of the Chrome browser enables you to link to a specific word/phrase/sentence within a web page, rather than just linking the entire page. Just sketch it into the drawbox using your mouse and click “Recognize” to get a list of possibilities that you can copy and paste, along with their names and unicode codes. If ever there is a time that you need to identify or find a symbol, shape or character, this Shapecatcher tool will help you do that.

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